Hashat Logo

Press Kit and assets

Last updated: 21.08.2023

This page is an overview about all Hashat related assets like colors, font and logo. Please check the Do's and Don'ts below before using our logo.



We are using Anybody by Tyler Finck as our main font. It's free to use and you can download it below.

Google Fonts GitHub


Dark Grey

Do's and Don'ts
  • Download from Official Sources: Please download our brand logo only from the provided links on this page or from our official website. This ensures that you are using the most up-to-date and authorized version of our logo.
  • Use the Approved Logo Versions: Choose the logo version provided in various formats, such as SVG, PNG, and JPEG, based on your specific usage needs. These formats are optimized for both online and offline applications.
  • Respect Clear Space: Maintain a minimum clear space around the logo as indicated in the logo usage guidelines. This helps maintain the integrity and visibility of our logo.
  • Follow Color Guidelines: Use the approved color variations of our logo as outlined in the provided guidelines. This consistency in color reinforces our brand identity.
  • Scale Proportionally: Resize the logo proportionally to avoid distortion. Do not alter the logo's proportions in any way.
  • Highlight Our Brand: Feel free to prominently display our logo on articles, reviews, or features related to our brand. Proper logo usage helps build brand recognition.
  • Modify the Logo: Do not alter, distort, or modify our logo in any way, including changing its colors, proportions, or adding elements to it. Always use the provided versions without any alterations.
  • Overlay on Complex Backgrounds: Avoid placing our logo on backgrounds that could compromise its visibility and legibility. Choose backgrounds that ensure the logo stands out.
  • Use Unapproved Colors: Please use only the colors provided in our logo usage guidelines. Deviating from these colors can create inconsistency in our brand representation.
  • Crowd the Logo: Do not place additional elements, text, or images too close to our logo. This maintains the logo's clarity and impact.
  • Use Outdated Versions: Always use the most recent versions of our logo from this page. Using outdated versions can lead to incorrect representation.
  • Misuse on Inappropriate Content: Refrain from using our logo in any context that might be considered offensive, harmful, or inappropriate.

By adhering to these guidelines, you help us maintain the integrity of our brand and ensure consistent representation. Thank you for using our brand assets responsibly and appropriately. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

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